Present Simple or Progressive – Exercise

Fill in the present simple or the present progressive.

1. Mr Cooper always buys a pound of sugar. (buy)

2. The shop assistant is closing the door now. (close)

3. Kevin and Alan never throw away glass bottles. (throw)

4. Look! Freddy is carrying two baskets. (carry)

5. Now Mrs Caveman is looking out of the window. (look)

6. Mrs Bingham goes shopping every Saturday. (go)

7. I am counting the money at the moment. (count)

8. Mr Root always opens a box of eggs before buying them. (open)

9. Mum often forgets her change. (forget)

10. Listen! The manager is talking to a customer. (talk)

11. My friends often go to the computer shop. (go)

12. We always put our things in a basket. (put)

13. The shop is closing at the moment. (close)

14. They play tennis every Sunday. (play)

15. She is taking a shower now. (take)

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

I’ve been learning (learn) English for seven years now.

But last year I didn’t work (not / work) hard enough for English, that’s why my marks weren’t (not / be) really that good then.

As I wanted to pass (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I am studying (study) harder this term.

During my last summer holidays, my parents sent (send) me on a language course to London.

It was (be) great and I think I learned (learn) a lot.

Before I went (go) to London, I didn’t enjoy (not / enjoy) learning English.

But while I did (do) the language course, I met (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.

There I noticed (notice) how important it is (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.

Now I have (have) much more fun learning English than I had (have) before the course.

At the moment I am revising (revise) English grammar.

And I have already begun (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

I think (think) I will do (do) one unit every week.

My exam is (be) on 15 May, so there isn’t (not / be) any time to be lost. If I pass (pass) my exams successfully, I will start (start) an apprenticeship in September.

And after my apprenticeship, maybe I will go (go) back to London to work there for a while.

As you can see (see / can) , I became (become) a real London fan already.

Fortune telling / Will and won’t ★

Now write your own text (150 words) with the title:

What will life be like two hundred years from now?

In two hundred years, it would be 2 centuries later. I think the world will be quite modern two hundred years later, as we are progressing very quickly. This could have it’s own flaws as well. Mostly dependant on technology and similar things related to that. Pollution will double up, and global warming will get worse. Obviously, this isn’t very good, but what can we do about it? We can’t help ourselves, after all. The human population will also increase, which is also bad. Food will get more expensive (it technically already is) due to overpopulation or other reasons. In general, I don’t really know any good things that will probably happen in two hundred years since I’m not a fortune teller or anything similar, I’m just saying all of this as a prediction, as things that are very likely to happen to us in the future. That’s my prediction.

Future prediction ☆

My prediction will probably happen very far into the future, but these are my thoughts.

I think that global warming will worsen a lot, and tons of animals will be either extinct or endangered. The human population will will double in size, and well, thats.. bad. The earth will eventually get closer and closer to the sun. AI’s will get smarter, and they’ll probably do most of the jobs and chores that humans are supposed to do, and there’s a flaw in that. They might turn against humanity due to overload of information, this is quite unrealistic and stereotypic. I also believe that Armenia won’t survive after a few centuries since its already crumbling apart by Azerbaijan and most likely Turkey will join in too. Slowly but surely, Armenia will be gone. We’re all supposed to be hopeful and fight for our country, but it’s not like all this hope will make us stronger. 80% of Armenians will most likely be in an entirely different country. We’ll have many more machines and modern technology.

Common interview questions ★

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why are you interested in working for this company?
  • Tell me about your education.
  • Why have you chosen this particular field?
  • Describe your best/worst boss.
  • In a job, what interests you most/least?
  • What is your major weakness?
  • Give an example of how you solved a problem in the past.
  • What are your strengths?
  • How do others describe you?


my dream

I don’t really have a specific dream, but I sometimes dream of getting a bit older and still being close with my 3 friends, hanging out, dressing up, etc. School life is important to me, I know I have to enjoy my youth while it lasts!!!!

Answer the questions.

1. Does the American writer give advice for your mind or your body?

Yes, the American writer advices us to always believe in ourselves and keep our mind active, to be positive and optimistic, and to enjoy helping and loving other people as well!!

2. Why do the women in Okinawa live a long time?

They keep a healthy diet and are aware what is good for their body and what is not. They exercise regularly everyday, and they try not to be too stressed.

3. Why is seaweed good for you?

Seaweed is good for you and your heart since it has a lot of different healthy vitamins and minerals.

4. Where does the fat come from in the Mediterranean diet?

The “healthy fat” in the Mediterranean diet comes from olive oil and fish.

how and what I eat

In the morning, around 7:20 AM to 7:30 AM, I try to have a small breakfast, I usually eat chocolate pudding then take my medication. But sometimes, I don’t have enough time so I don’t eat in the morning. When i’m in school, I try to buy food outside in the 20 minute break with my friends since it is the longest break we have in school. Sometimes if i’m hungry, we’ll buy something after school ends as well. I eat when I get home too, if my mother made anything of course. But if it’s not a school day, then I don’t really eat that much, maybe once or twice.

How do I relax after school?

When classes end, I stay at school until 4:45 PM, and my bus moves at 4:55 PM. I reach my house at 5:55 PM. I don’t have a routine, so I just sit somewhere to calm down after a long day. I help my family with chores, I easily get tired but I try my best.


  • ինչ ձեռքբերումներ, հաջողություններ ունեցան այս ուսումնական շրջանում

Նոր մարդկանց հետ ծանոթացա, և գնահատականներս բարձրացրեցի։

  • ինչ ճամփորդությունների են մասնակցել։ Ճամփորդությունների հաշվետվությունների հղումները թող կցեն այդ հատվածում

  • որն է եղել իրենց ընտրությունը։ Ընտրության բաժինը թող կցեն այդ հատվածում

  • ինչ մարզաձև է եղել իրենց ընտրածը

Սեղանի թենիս

  • ինչ նախագծի են մասնակցել (թող պատմեն ընթացքի, արդյունքների մասին)
  • կրթահամալիրային օրացույցով որոշված ինչ միջոցառման, ցուցահանդեսի, համերգի, մրցաշարի են մասնակցել և ինչպես (մասնակից, հանդիսատես և այլն)

Չեմ մասնակցել։

  • ինչ ձախողումներ, դժվարություններ, բարդություններ են ունեցել այս տարի, 

Վատ եմ քնում։